Mandaris Moore

The last couple of days, I spent time doing what I told myself I wasn't going to do.

And that's work on my old blog and dabble with the colors on my new one.

Still, I like the way that everything came out and it kind of clears the way for me to get back to my other projects.

Website on with new colors

Now back to Xcode!

Safari showing the page with the new tool bar

I thought I would check out my old home page using the new version of Safari. I really still enjoy the clean look of the site. Maybe it's because I'm old and remember the old table and frames websites of the past.

Plus I don't need to make an money from it so there aren't any ads or banners.

I'm continuing to use as my blogging platform of choice. It's been very solid and I haven't had a night were I accidentally delete my working environment and have to put it together from scratch.

Although, I do miss messing around with different settings, the feeling that my words are actually being seen by other people makes up for it and the knowledge that if I want to export everything I can.

I'm still working on the flow of idea to final draft of longer works, but I think that's more because of how I haven't nailed what I want to create versus anything else.

I've fully committed to doing all my blogging on at this point. The only thing left is to make sure that I do something with my old blog that was using Pelican1.

I'm going to miss hacking on it, but I've decided that I'll focus on one technical project at a time.

So, if you're following me the best place to go is still but if you want to see the old site it's

  1. I almost got swept away with wanting to do some more to make the older blog work better with the newer release. 

This is a simple test of my system to see if things are still working.

A simple mind map.

I just want to see things work like I'm expecting.

National Novel Writer Month Logo.

This year, I'm doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) because my daughter is doing it as well. I want to show her that I can put my heart into something and follow through with it.

The problem is that I've gotten out of the habit of writing and it's very hard to focus on something like this when there are crazy things like the election, covid, social unrest1, and everything else going on in this world.

Still, I'm going to continue doing the best that I can even though I'm a loooooong way from finishing this thing.

Current value of novel.

Sometimes it's hard for me sit down and get in the mindset for it.

One other thing that I'm going is writing more in my Day One journal. I really want to keep a good streak going on but sometimes it gets a little weird.

  1. Remember that the protests are still going on. Just because they aren't on the news, doesn't mean that things are great all of sudden. 

About this 2009 Macbook Pro.

I've had this laptop since 2009. It was a gift that was given to me by my wife and mother and I've been using pretty consistently since than.

All my personal projects.

Every experiment and pretty much most of my writing has happened on this laptop and a lot of my identity revolves around how I use this.

But the sad reality is that time is marching on without us.

Applications both commercial and open source are no longer supported.

Homebrew warning in iTerm.

If that wasn't enough, I've had the following problems.

  • The speakers have been blown out
  • Excesive heating when plugged in
    Service Battery warning.
  • The trackpad is starting to not work

Still, I'm not going to give up on my laptop. I want to continue using it until we are parted.

So in that spirit, I'm going to use my laptop to create as much stuff as i caan before the end of the year.

I just wanted to write something.

I haven't written to my blog in while. I think it's partly because I've set up so many barriers in front of myself.

High expectation on my writing and just attempting to make the blog look just right.

I'm tempted to give myself a challenge of creating something for the next 30 days to get back into my writing.

I'm removing all the micro posts that I place on this blog. For the foreseeable future, I'm going to be placing all my short thoughts on the service and then have this site show them on a side bar.

The transition should take about a week depending on how much free time that I'm going to allot to personal projects like this.

Ok, I've set up the domain for and I've announced to the world that I'm going to be focusing on swift development.


What are my next steps?

The first step is to carve out some time in order to do all this.

The site that I've put together is just a chronicle of what I'm doing related to swift.

Who knows, maybe I'll be writing tutorials for swift on it before the end of the year.