Mandaris Moore

I just wanted to take a moment to write about what I want my new website to look like. I've been hee-hawing it for years now and I'm starting working on it again. I've found some inspiration in using the Tufte style1 and I'll be documenting my changes on this very site. It gives me something to look every time I open up a new safari window.

Some of the Styles

As you'll notice the site should be some what simple because I'm learning how to add all the features in pelican using liquid tags. I was thinking about adding a plugin to pelican to turn footnotes into side notes, but I'll hold that off until I get some time to really play with the site design.

Continued Goals for the Site

I still have a desire to teach and help people. I've also found that one of those people should be myself. I want to show code examples.

print "hello, world"

I'm hoping to have some simple animations and just other stuff.

But first, I'd like to make the site functional on my own.

  1. Honestly, I came across the Tufte CSS project and then looked for more information about the guy on his webpage and wikipedia 

So, I'm in the process of moving in. The goal? To own everything I make. I don't expect many people to understand, but then again...

Despite all of my hard work on facebook, it's time that I also have some kind of static site as well.