Mandaris Moore

Today, I thought I'd document something simple like how I created an alias to render the blog and then port it to my website. I'm writing it out in hopes that something will pop up and say "There is an easier way of doing it!"

The first thing I do for most posts is I open up Byword to write the words that you are seeing before you. If it's something a little more complicated, I might start off in MindNode1 and export to Markdown.

I use a TextExpander snippet to set the header and then just start writing and save the file in dropbox.

The popup window for the TextExpander header for my website.

The part that I feel needs improvement is finishing the draft. I have a virtual environment set up for pelican that has all the templates and plugins that I've been tweaking to make the site look and behave in the way that I want. This means that any extra syntax or themes don't show up unless I process the markdown2.

To solve this, I've set up a hazel rule3 to copy over all the files.

Hazel rule to clone over all the posts and images for the blog

After that, I can run a local server to see what the post looks like after being processed.

An iTerm window with the commands that I use to run the development server

Which leads us to the thing that I created. An alias in my environment to rsync the finished website and push it to github to host.

alias pub="pelican; rsync -r /Users/mandaris/Projects/quotidian/output/* ~/Projects/"

Well, that was a longer explanation that I was thinking it would be.

  1. I do have iThoughts as well, but MindNode is better looking. 

  2. Although, I do use to look at the post as I'm writing it. I haven't commited myself to making the my theme and processors work in the appplication. 

  3. To be honest, this hasn't been working like I want it to. I have to manually run the rule. I'll make it a OmniFocus project to get the rules to work properly. I tried using rsync, but got some weird errors when I attempted to put the configuration into github.