Mandaris Moore

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I've been listening to Core Intuition for years, because it was great to hear how independent developers go about making a living. When I'm sweating to make a living by working on someone else's schedule, I'd listen to how they are making ends meet while still enjoying life. I might not always agree with what they were saying but something about how they viewed themselves and their business gave me hope that you could follow your passions in life.

In Episode 351: Here's The Downside, Daniel talked about how his application, MarsEdit, wasn't making as much money as he hoped.

It shook me.

I had been hearing for years how many developers were having the same problems. In my mind, I thought that this was a great product that should be seen as a great reason to use the Mac.

I've identified myself with Daniel many times over the years and want him to succeed. To be the little guy who is making it.

I haven't finished the episode.

I'm afraid to.

For some reason, I feel that if I don't finish it. It won't be as bad as what the worst case scenario could be.

Looking back there were 4 main areas. Performance being the first.

My first feeling about the keynote is genuine happiness. I'm happy that they are going to focus on the performance of the operating system. I'm happy that they are supporting all the devices that were working with iOS 11. I'm also happy that they are NOT introducing a lot of extraneous1 features that people may never use.

Focus on performance

I'm tired of people having problems with Apple devices. I'm the family tech support and I do not like the feeling of having someone's device not work. This is compounded when I'm usually the one who recommends them.

I'm hoping that this will allow me to not have to answer as many questions and make the current devices last longer. I can't afford to buy anything new at this point.


I am already on board the automation train. I've got the workflow and launch center pro applications on my phone. I feel that this should allow me and everyone else a better way of getting rid of repetitive tasks.

Bring developers back to the Mac App Store

I'll believe it when I see it, but it definitely gives me the warm fuzzies to have developers feel more at ease on the platforms that I love.

Apple Watch

I think this is the best presentation that I've seen with Kevin Lynch. I would like an Apple watch, but I have trouble thinking about how I'd incorporate it into my life. When I saw those demos along with everything else associated with iOS 12, I found myself dreaming about owning one again2.


All in all, I'm happy with the keynote and actually a little sad that people weren't. It really feels like Apple is sitting down and letting their products mature a little more as they move forward.

  1. Well, they seem extraneous to me. I guess it's just a matter of how easy it would be to add to my work flow. 

  2. I was gifted one, but had to return it for financial reasons. Really sweet gift but I needed to pay the bills.