Mandaris Moore

Two puzzle pieces coming together via

The more that I dive into the quest of having my own spot on the internet, the more that I find that I have things that I want to do with it. Which means more research, experiments and late nights.

Currently, I'm on a mission to get webmentions and pingback working on my site. It's been pretty slow going because I want to incorporate it into my current blogging workflow. A workflow that is currently not flowing at all1.

Anyway, I thought I'd focus on making some changes so that I can make it fit better with all the new stuff that is coming out for the indieweb.

Setting up sign in

The first thing to do is make some changes to my template to allow for sign up according to the web directions

I thought the easiest ways of doing this was to use github2 or twitter3. I pushed the github login near the top of the page so that it would look for it first.

<!-- IndieWeb sign-in -->
<link rel="me" href="{{ GITHUB_USERNAME}}" />
{% endif %}

I then included the twitter login information with the rest of the twitter information.

<!-- Twitter Specific Info -->
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{ TWITTER_USERNAME }}" />
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@{{ TWITTER_USERNAME }}" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
<link rel="me" href="{{ TWITTER_USERNAME}}" />
{% endif %}

Setting up webmentions

After the login was set up, I added this to enable webmentions that are specific to any website that uses the template.

<!-- Enabling webmention functionality -->
<link rel="pingback" href="{{ WEBMENTIONS }}/xmlrpc" />
<link rel="webmention" href="{{ WEBMENTIONS }}/webmention" />
{% endif %}

Unfortunately, I still need to test it and get it in front of other people to use. I'm going to lay the foundation down and do some research so that I can get ping backs to work properly.

More meta data

From my reading of, I see that it doesn't use the OpenGraph and that I put in the theme.

I'm hesitant to add these new tags because it lowers the validation scores, but I hope that it will help with accessibility and just make the site work better for those who want to find it.


I've got a lot of things on my mind and places where I can make the site move forward. I hope that those who read this feel inspired and have some input on how to make the template better.

If so, the theme can be found here.

  1. I've got three places that I can sit down and make a blog post. My iPhone, my iMac, and my laptop. Currently, my favorite is my laptop but I don't take it everywhere or use it as much. My mind is having trouble just feeling comfortable writing recently. Add the complication of where the files should be saved and how to update previous posts and I start feeling like throwing my hands up. 

  2. Which was just bought by Microsoft a couple month ago. I don't know if it's the new Microsoft which is pro open source. 

  3. A dumpster fire of deplorables.