Mandaris Moore

Today was another great day for dancing. I went to the lindy hop lesson again and I think I did pretty good on most of the drills except for the lindy circle and I rediscovered that I have a small issue where I pull a follow out of their anchor step. It's weird to be reminded that there is a little "and" before you start dancing. I met a couple good people during the dance and it was great meeting people who dance for the sheer enjoyment of it versus trying to meet people.

I think I've matured quite a bit because I didn't get stuck in my own head and compare myself against every other dancer including what I imagined what I was able to do during my "glory days". I just took it as a chance to have fun and work on my basic1.

The eyes have it

My daughter has a bug bite on her eye and it's swollen up pretty bad. Today, after I picked her up, she told me about how all the kids were asking about it. I don't know exactly how she felt, so I tried to let her know that she'll be alright and that the other kids just wanted to make sure that she was alright. Luckily, the eye is getting better.

  1. I honestly feel that a follow would rather have a great experience doing basic moves then a lousy one with lots of moves that drive her crazy. That isn't to say a follower won't enjoy a good turn or two. 

Today was a great day.

Truly great.

The family went to funderland and had a wonderful time going on the little rides. It's at these times that I really realize that time isn't going to stand still. Already, some of the rides are too small for my oldest and I worry that the simple things in life won't be enough to entertain them. That doesn't mean they'll want to go bungie jumping next year, but it could certainly make things different if they would rather sit at home and play video games then spend some time at the park.

Recently, my oldest has been wanting to play the game Cooties and it's been fun interacting with her. I think I've mentioned that I have trouble sometimes interacting with her and I want to spend as many chances as I can to let my children know who I am.

Dance Shape

My wife and I have made up after a couple days of quite rioting and we've both decided that I needed more ways of reducing stress. So, I'll be going dancing on a more regular basis 1. The thing about this is that I'm starting over. When I'm on the floor it feels like I've never danced before. All I can remember is how to keep my hands in the right spot (so I don't get slapped) and how to keep rhythm.

Every dance, I'm winded and I feel muscles that haven't been used in years burn with awakening. It hurts me physically, but my pride is swelling.

  1. Meaning the next couple fridays or ... 

Recently, management for our complex sent out an email to all the residents that people should be cleaning up after their pets. What's the deal people? I think that if you decide to have a pet you must understand that you have a responsibility to not only feed and clean it but to clean up after it. Another thing that sucks is that I just got a dog so when I walk by my neighbors I get te stink eye because I'm going to be grouped up with the other dog owners who leave the little surprises everywhere.

I need to come up with a way to relax

I was hoping that this journaling thing would help me relax, but since I made a commitment of writing 250 everyday, it can be difficult on some days to come up with something to write and the stress of trying to think of something in the last moment has been somewhat stressful.

With the last couple of weeks of employment come up, I've been increasingly stressed out about it and I think I'm transfering some of those negative emotions into my marriage.

Not good.

Not only is it not fair and will only cause more problems, but it does nothing to reduce the initial problem.

Dance, Baby, Dance!

So it looks like, I've been given the OK to go dancing again next week by the wife. She's kind of the jeolous type, but -aparently- I've been so stressed that she'd rather have me go out and blow off some steam then have me brooding at home.