Mandaris Moore

Sometimes, getting ready for bed is the hardest thing to do. In my home, nights are the time that we actually get a chance to sit down and do the things we need to do such as pay bills and schedule activities.

My wife has been the one taking care of the bills in recent months. On one hand, it's good because I found myself having trouble keeping track of when and where money was going. The stress and guilt of missing a bill just got worse and worse over the years as expenses continued to grow.

On the other hand, this has caused problems as I feel pushed out of key decision making areas.

We've never been explicit about it but there have been under tones of hostility about money.

I do what I can, I follow the budget that we agree on and be understanding when she's stressed out. After all, I was doing it for years before we switched.

We're in better shape as far as budgetting, but I tread every night we have to go over bills.