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I've been listening to Core Intuition for years, because it was great to hear how independent developers go about making a living. When I'm sweating to make a living by working on someone else's schedule, I'd listen to how they are making ends meet while still enjoying life. I might not always agree with what they were saying but something about how they viewed themselves and their business gave me hope that you could follow your passions in life.

In Episode 351: Here's The Downside, Daniel talked about how his application, MarsEdit, wasn't making as much money as he hoped.

It shook me.

I had been hearing for years how many developers were having the same problems. In my mind, I thought that this was a great product that should be seen as a great reason to use the Mac.

I've identified myself with Daniel many times over the years and want him to succeed. To be the little guy who is making it.

I haven't finished the episode.

I'm afraid to.

For some reason, I feel that if I don't finish it. It won't be as bad as what the worst case scenario could be.

Category: personal