Hello, today I was thinking about all the things I would like to do. Sometimes it feels like I have the entire world on my shoulders and I fight the urge to attempt to do everything at once.

I'm going to take a second to think about what the most important thing is at this moment and do it to the best of my ability. It times like this, I go back to OmniFocus.


Today, I attempted to ship a book[^book] that I had placed on Amazon. Amazon was going to give me 3 bucks to ship it and all the shipping options that USPS offered were 4 dollars or more. I like the idea of sharing knowledge but I seriously don't want to donate my money and time in this fashion.

Job Hunting

I've been looking for a job on dice.com and it strikes me as interesting on how different job postings can be. Some of them are very simple and might as well be the equivelent of a "Help Wanted" sign while others might have 30 or more requirements in order to apply.

During my last interview, the person I spoke with was actually surprised that I read the psoting and job description. Which got me thinking about the hotgun versus snipper rifle approach to job hunting. Do you focus on getting as many résumé out there or do you make a custom one for every kind of position and a different covers letters for every position?

Category: personal
jobs goals