My wife had her wisdom teeth pulled today.

All four of them.

Well, things are going to be cheery around here. :)

I spent most of the day just caring for her or watching her sleep. It was kind of nice because it took me back to the early days of our relationship when I would just sit and stare as she slept. Natasha thought it was kind of creepy, but for me it was a rare moment of seeing her at peace.

Other Projects

I've prioritized my tech projects to two major things.

The website

I've taken my website down because I didn't like the direction (or lack thereof) it was taking. I originally had a lot of different ideas that I wanted to do, but got stuck with the tools on making it versus making the content the king. I've placed a holding page up for now while I come up with what the next step is going to be.

I haven't decided on whether I should move to a service lie calipin or just throw everything out and start completely from scratch.

Re-starting my career

I'm not happy with where I am and have decided that I need to start over from the very begining as far as my career is concerned. I'd like to take what I know about computer science and just go over all the little things that made me take the subject from the beginning.

On how to do this, I've been putting a plan together that focuses more on the how of computer science and "going deep" versus the why.

Category: personal
wife programming